Friday 15 October 2010

Bonsai Indoors

Growing bonsai indoors does not have to be a difficult task for most people. If you provide enough lighting and a warm atmosphere, then virtually any type of Bonsai can be grown indoors successfully. You should find a perfect location for your Bonsai.If you can locate a window in your home that maintains the correct temperature for your Bonsai, then placing your Bonsai near the window will help ensure a healthier plant.

Bonsai Indoors
Once a location has been established, you should then purchase a growing lamp to ensure that your Bonsai gets adequate lighting.The growing lamp should be turned on during the day, for the same length of time that your particular Bonsai requires of direct sunlight.The growing lamp should be turned off during the night, so that your Bonsai’s environment is as close to your outdoor environment as possible.

Bonsai Indoors

If you are new to bonsai, don’t fret if at first you fail. All bonsai masters failed too before perfecting their craft.

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