Friday 15 October 2010

Repotting Bonsai trees

To prevent a tree from being pot-bound and ultimately starving to death, regular repotting is very important.It depends on the tree species, age and size of container how often a Bonsai needs to be repotted. Fast growing trees will have to be repotted every two years, while older, more mature trees need to be repotted every 3 to 5 years.

Repotting Bonsai trees
A Bonsai needs to be repotted when the roots circle around the root system, when the roots are still contained in soil wait another year before checking again.Repotting work needs to be done during the early spring; when the tree is still in dormancy.Choosing the right soil mixture is crucial for the health of your trees.
Repotting Bonsai trees
Step-by-step plan to repot:
-Carefully take the tree out of its pot, when it is stuck use a root-knife
-Inspect whether the tree needs to be repotted or not
-By using a root-hook or some chopsticks, carefully remove the soil
-Prune back long roots,also remove rotting or vertical growing roots
-Put plastic mesh on the drainage holes, attached with some copper wire, and cover the base of the pot with a layer of grit to create a good drainage
-Use the prepared soil mixture as the second layer and place the tree, slightly out of the middle of the pot, on top of it
-Fill the pot using the soil mixture up to about 1 cm below the rim
-Water the tree

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