Friday 18 February 2011

Bonsai forms part ll

Stone form
This form mimics the tree, which is in the mountains in fight with the wind. Thus tree grows on the rocks, with visible root that go back to the earth. A young plant must be plant in narrow and deep dish. Roots placed in the cracks and cut those that do not go back to basics. Stone of a plant placed in the container, around the lower third of the land of stone installation, the remainder covered by mostly by regular moisture. In 6 to 12 months, strengthened the roots to the stone and moss can be removed.
Appropriate Plants: maple, juniper, pine, spruce...

Cascading form
In this form imitate a tree at the edge of cliffs. The principal feature the trunk or more often reinforced the lower arm, which extends beyond the lower edge of the container. This is achieved through the use of wires, or seizes the property of trees that still grow up and to the light. The container is tilted or in the extreme, on a side, but when the bonsai is already complete, of course, turns it upright again. Because of the balance the plant needs lower and higher container.
Suitable plants: larch, willow, juniper, pine...

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