Friday 18 February 2011

Bonsai Trees-Education

For success in the development of trees is necessary to take into account the natural forms of trees and their growth.
Bonsai will look nicer and more natural, when looking at seedling and take advantage of its strengths, it can not be any forced into any situation.
In education, it is important to us represents the fun, relaxation, not competition. Ideally, every move you made has to take time for reflection. Trees grow very slowly so it is necessary in bringing great deal of patience. To make a real visible progress can be expected only a few years.
In urban environments, which lack the natural environment, trees will be issued a secret of its growth, the time and need a clear eye.

Each plant has its own requirements for temperature, light, wintering ... therefore it is good to thoroughly check on each plant before the purchase if it will enable a suitable environment for survival.
Containers for bonsais are different forms, colors and materials. The most appropriate containers are made of highly glazed baked clay.
The form and color of the container should be adjusted to bonsai and not vice versa.
Planting must be in an appropriate mixture of peat, sand and clay.
When we take care of such sensitive plant, care must be taken to
pests, which are usually:
Gray mold

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